Confidential Computing

Data Enclaves for Scientific/Secure Computing

This project will develop secure computation architectures to ensure trustworthiness of data while addressing the gaps left by existing solutions for scientific workflows to address the specific power, performance, and usability, and needs of scientific computing from the edge to the HPC center and for nuclear treaty assurance. It is led by Sean Peisert, Venkatesh Akella, and Jason Lowe-Power.

Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis for Scientific Discovery

This project aims to produce methods, processes, and architectures applicable to a variety of scientific computing domains that enables querying, machine learning, and analysis of data while protecting against releasing sensitive information beyond pre-defined bounds. It is supported by LBNL CSR funds and is led by Sean Peisert.

Toward a Hardware/Software Co-Design Framework for Ensuring the Integrity of Exascale Scientific Data

This project takes a broad look at several aspects of security and scientific integrity issues in HPC systems. It is funded by DOE ASCR and is led by Sean Peisert.