Data Enclaves for Scientific Computing

This project will develop secure computation architectures to ensure trustworthiness of scientific data while addressing the gaps left by existing solutions for scientific workflows to address the specific power, performance, and usability, and needs from the edge to the HPC center. It is led by Sean Peisert, Venkatesh Akella, and Jason Lowe-Power.

Toward a Hardware/Software Co-Design Framework for Ensuring the Integrity of Exascale Scientific Data

This project takes a broad look at several aspects of security and scientific integrity issues in HPC systems. It is funded by DOE ASCR and is led by Sean Peisert.

Inferring Computing Activity Using Physical Sensors

This project uses power data to monitor the use of computing systems, including supercomputers and large computing centers. It is led by Sean Peisert.

A Mathematical and Data-Driven Approach to Intrusion Detection for High-Performance Computing

This project developed mathematical and statistical techniques to analyze the secure access and use of high-performance computer systems. It was funded by DOE ASCR and was originally led by David H. Bailey.