Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems Projects

Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Research performs extensive research in cybersecurity for energy delivery systems.  In recent years, this work has been funded largely via DOE’s Cybersecurity Research, Development, and Demonstration for Energy Systems program within the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER). These projects include collaborations with academic, vendor, and utility partners. 

Berkeley Lab’s work in security for power grid control systems emphasizes both its historical role in developing, deploying and testing the Zeek (Bro) Network Security Monitor, as well as novel ideas that leverage and integrate physics — physical limitations, physical sensor output, and insight into commands sent to control systems — to help monitor and protect networked energy system devices under control.

Recent highlights of Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences’ cybersecurity research activities in cybersecurity for energy delivery systems include:

Some recent news:

Berkeley Lab Leading the Way with New Cybersecurity Projects — Nov. 6, 2023

Older News

Key Representative Publications:

Robert Currie, Sean Peisert, Anna Scaglione, Aram Shumavon, and Nikhil Ravi, “Data Privacy for the Grid: Toward a Data Privacy Standard for Inverter-Based and Distributed Energy Resources,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, 21(5), pp. 58-57, Sept.-Oct 2023.

Raksha Ramakrishna, Anna Scaglione, Tong Wu, Nikhil Ravi, and Sean Peisert, “Differential Privacy for Class-based Data: A Practical Gaussian Mechanism,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 23 June 2023.

Robert Currie, Sean Peisert, Anna Scaglione, Aram Shumavon, and Nikhil Ravi, “Data Privacy for the Grid: Toward a Data Privacy Standard for Inverter-Based and Distributed Energy Resources,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, 2023.

Nikhil Ravi, Anna Scaglione, Sachin Kadam, Reinhard Gentz, Sean Peisert, Brent Lunghino, Emmanuel Levijarvi, and Aram Shumavon, “Differentially Private K-means Clustering Applied to Meter Data Analysis and Synthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, June 17, 2022.

Ciaran Roberts Sy-Toan Ngo, Alexandre Milesi, Sean Peisert, Daniel Arnold, Shammya Saha, Anna Scaglione, Nathan Johnson, Anton Kocheturov, Dmitriy Fradkin, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for DER Cyber-Attack Mitigation,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), November 11–13, 2020.

Ciaran Roberts, Anna Scaglione, Mahdi Jamei, Reinhard Gentz, Sean Peisert, Emma M. Stewart, Chuck McParland, Alex McEachern, and Daniel Arnold, “Learning Behavior of Distribution System Discrete Control Devices for Cyber-Physical Security,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, accepted 31 July, 2019. [DOI]

Mahdi Jamei, Anna Scaglione, Ciaran Roberts, Emma Stewart, Sean Peisert, Chuck McParland, and Alex McEachern, “Anomaly Detection Using μPMU Measurements in Distribution Grids,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(4), pp. 3611–3623, October 25, 2017. [DOI]

Mahdi Jamei, Emma Stewart, Sean Peisert, Anna Scaglione, Chuck McParland, Ciaran Roberts, and Alex McEachern, “Micro Synchrophasor-Based Intrusion Detection in Automated Distribution Systems: Towards Critical Infrastructure Security,” IEEE Internet Computing," 20(5), pp. 18-27, Sept./Oct. 2016. [DOI]

Chuck McParland, Sean Peisert, and Anna Scaglione, “Monitoring Security of Networked Control Systems: It’s the Physics,” IEEE Security and Privacy,12(6), November/December 2014. [BibTeX] [DOI]


A portion of the software developed through this project can be downloaded via Github.


Symbiosis in Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Intrusion Detection
This project was funded by NSF’s SaTC program, and was co-led by Sean Peisert. The theme of this effort was to integrate Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) into intrusion detection systems (IDS), at both the fundamental and system levels, thereby improving both BFT and IDS. potential to improve BFT.

Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems News

Berkeley Lab Leading the Way with New Cybersecurity Projects — Nov. 6, 2023

CIGAR ‘Smokes Out’ Attacks on Solar Electrical Power Equipment — Jun. 7, 2021

Using Physics to Keep Our Electrical Grid Safe — Oct. 24, 2019

Impact of AI in DOE National Laboratories (YouTube video) (security discussion at 1'07") — Sept. 29, 2019

Solar power opens up new targets for cyber attackers (Archer News) — May 30, 2019

Cyberattacks threaten smart inverters, but scientists have solutions (Solar Power World) — April 30, 2019

CRD’s Peisert to Discuss Data Sharing at National Academies’ COSEMPUP Meeting — Nov. 5, 2018

Expert Q&A: Safeguarding the Nation’s Energy Infrastructure — Oct. 26, 2018

Electric grid protection through low-cost sensors, machine learning (GCN) — September 21, 2018

Cyber Defense Tool Is an Early Warning System for Grid Attacks (IEEE Spectrum Energywise Blog) — March 27, 2018

Lab Researchers Awarded Funds for Climate Science, Cybersecurity Research — March 15, 2018

Combination of Old and New Yields Novel Power Grid Cybersecurity Tool — March 7 2018

Berkeley Lab Aims to Strengthen the Cybersecurity of the Grid — September 27, 2017

Detecting Cybersecurity Threats by Taking the Grid’s Pulse (IEEE Spectrum Energywise Blog) — Jul. 12, 2016

Livermore, Berkeley National Labs Leading Project to Increase Power Grid Cybersecurity — Jul. 11, 2016

CRD’s Sean Peisert Guest Edits Special Issue of IEEE’s Security and Privacy Magazine — Jan. 20, 2015